OCA-Supporters/ All Saints of North America Orthodox Church

Παρασκευή 13 Απριλίου 2012

Chancery hours during Pascha 2012

In celebration of Holy Week and Pascha, the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America will be closed on Great and Holy Thursday, April 12, and Great and Holy Friday, April 13. It will also be closed on Bright Monday, April 16.
Regular hours will resume on Bright Tuesday, April 17.
The Chancery staff wishes everyone a most blessed and joyous celebration of the Feast of Feasts!

St. Vladimir's Seminary announces summer 2012 programs


Three Hierarchs Chapel
Three Hierarchs Chapel, the center of spiritual life at St. Vladimir’s Seminary.

Saint Vladimir’s Seminary here recently announced its schedule of summer programs for 2012.
  • Thursday, June 7–Saturday, June 9. Dr. Albert S. Rossi, Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology, and Priest David Mezynski, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, will present a pastoral counseling skills workshop, titled “Becoming a Healing Presence.”
  • Sunday, June 10–Wednesday, June 13. The Sixth Annual Diaconal Liturgical Practicum will be conducted by Archdeacon Kirill Sokolov, Director of the Orthodox Church in America’s Diaconal Vocations Program, and Priest J. Sergius Halvorsen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Rhetoric.
  • Monday, June 18–Friday, June 22. Protodeacon Nazari Polataiko, master iconographer from the Saints Alipij and Andrew Rublev Icon Studio, will conduct a workshop on Russo-Byzantine iconography.
  • Monday, June 25–Friday, June 29. A Master Class and Choral Workshop with famed Russian conductor Vladimir Gorbik, “Interpreting Orthodox Sacred Choral Music,” will be held for choral conductors, choir directors, and singers. Audition is required.
Additional information, including registration, for these and other programs is available on the seminary’s web site.

Photo report: Metropolitan Jonah's visit to the Diocese of Mexico


Metropolitan Jonah with Bishop Alejo at one of the Diocese of Mexico’s missions.

As reported on the web site of the Orthodox Church in America on April 3, 2012, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, and Priest John Parker, chairman of the OCA Department of Evangelization, visited Mexico during the first week of April to ascertain ways the department might further assist His Grace, Bishop Alejo in expanding ongoing evangelization efforts.

Metropolitan Jonah and Father John returned on Friday, April 6.

In addition to visiting Mexico City’s Cathedral of the Ascension, they visited numerous remote villages, where Metropolitan Jonah was welcomed warmly by the faithful. A highlight of their visit was the growing mission in Pisaflores.

The Diocese of Mexico, which formally celebrated its 40th Anniversary in January 2012, maintains communities and missions in a number of towns and villages – some of them in very remote areas – in addition to the cathedral in the nation’s capital. The Department of Evangelization hopes to work more closely with His Grace, Bishop Alejo of Mexico City, and the Diocese, and will discern ways to accomplish this based on information gathered during the visit. Father John’s fluency in Spanish provides “a plus” in this effort.
