SYOSSET, NY [OCA] – 8/3/13
With the approval of theMetropolitan Council of the Orthodox Church in America, the OCA Department of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministrylaunched its Saint Peter the Aleut Grant Program. The grant will be available to any youth or young adults seeking to offset costs of attending retreats, workshops, or conferences, or to visit an OCA seminary or monastery to discern a vocation. In addition, clergy and lay people may apply for assistance to offset the costs of continuing education in the field of youth ministry.
“We want to show that the greater Church supports our youth as they seek to deepen their life in Christ, and supports those who wish to develop their youth ministry skills,” said Andrew Boyd, OCA Youth Director. “To that end, we want to open this small grant program to as many individuals as possible. While award amounts will be small, in the area of $100-$500 dollars, we hope to partner with local parishes and dioceses to offer more comprehensive encouragement and assistance.”
Applications and detailed grant information may be accessed here.
Grants will be awarded on a rolling basis throughout the year. There is no deadline, but funding is on a first-come, first-served basis. Preference will be given to applicants who can demonstrate additional support from a parish or diocese.
“The seed money is from the The Antonia Rotko Charitable Remainder Trust, which gave a donation of $110,411.95 in 2011 to the Orthodox Church in America specifically for Youth and Young Adult Ministry,” said Melanie Ringa, OCA Treasurer. “At the start of each year, the Finance Committee of the Metropolitan Council will set the amount that grant can distribute throughout the year based on our endowment distribution policies.”
The process for awarding the grants will be overseen by a committee composed of Andrew Boyd, OCA Youth Director; Priest Christopher Rowe from the Diocese of the Midwest; Jeremy Pletnikoff, a member of the Metropolitan Council Finance Committee and delegate from the Diocese of Alaska.
For more information about the grant program or to apply, please contact Andrew Boyd at aboyd@oca.org.
We need to convert Greek churches to Latin speaking because all the Yuvrey who were born in Greece and pretended to convert under Mussolini come to practice their Greek and all the Slavs come trying to make us Tsarvrey. Why do you think the Russian letters for Tz and Sh are identical with the Hebrew? If the Greeks were such nationalists, why do they allow Southern Italy to call itself Magna Grece (http://magnagrece.blogspot.com... Because the Greeks know the Slavs are all coming from being Yuvrey with all their crazy bubble studies and fasting and stuff. We all want to be diverse, parochial, feudal and belong to the land and no Tsarvrey universalist globalizations. That is why we all marry Catholic Italian and stay away from Slav churches.